Band of Bugs

Band of Bugs is a fast playing, accessible, tactics strategy game. Gameplay is deep enough to be satisfying to established fans of the tactics genre, but friendly enough to appeal to more casual gamers as well.
Band of Bugs features a Full story-based campaign, online play, and a level editor that lets you design custom scenarios and share them with your friends online!
Full Game Features
The full game lets you save your progress and includes:
* A 20-level story mode campaign featuring heroes, villains, and more tactical insect combat than you can shake a mandible at
* A map editor that lets you create custom levels for play locally or with your friends over a local network or over the Internet
* Multiple online and local skirmish game modes including Escape, Capture, Elimination, and the special online Spider Hunter mode
* Support for extensive additional downloadable content including new levels, campaigns, characters, and environments.
System Requirements
* OS:Windows XP or Windows Vista.
* CPU:800 MHz
* Memory:128 MB RAM.
* Graphics:3d Graphics Card 32MB, supporting OpenGL 1.1* or later
Band of Bugs Screenshots

Release Date: 03 December 2007
Genre: Strategy
Labels: december 07, Strategy