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Dead Reefs

It is said that for hundreds of years, pirates from the English island of Dead Reefs were looting the ships sailing by and slaughtering their crews. One of the wrecked ships was carrying an old relic, kept secret and locked by a centennial monk order. It is known to have been then stolen and retrieved by the ruler of the island, Baron DeSantra.

Shortly after, inhabitants of the island started dying in unnatural ways one by one. The first victim of this strange series of events was the Baron’s wife, who was killed by her husband with his sword.

Ten decades after these alleged “facts”, a new death is reminiscent of the legend and casts fear on the island of Dead Reefs. A detective from the mainland, Amideo Finvinero, is sent to investigate the death and find the killer.

You are this detective. And you will need more than natural skills to shed the light on this terrific case.


* A fascinating and mysterious adventure that takes place in the 18th century and spreads over several decades, combined with an absorbing murder investigation
* Play as a detective and defy unnatural events, solve challenging riddles and risk your life to defeat a vicious killer
* Truly non-linear gameplay in which your actions determine unique outcomes and endings
* Full 3D environments using Virtools® technology
* Stunning graphics, real-life characters, and gorgeous animations

Hardware Requirements

Operating System: Windows® 2000/XP/Vista™
CPU: AMD® 1800+ (1.5 Ghz) or Intel® 1.8 Ghz
RAM: 512 MB
CD-ROM: 4x (or PC DVD-ROM Drive)
Video: nVidia® GeForce® 5200fx or ATI® Radeon® 9200
Sound: 16-Bit Sound Card
DirectX® 9.0c
Hard Disk Space: 860 MB
Input: Keyboard, Mouse and Speakers

Dead Reefs Screenshot

Dead Reefs Trailer

Release Date: 29 June 2007
Genre: Adventure

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